The Brand Next Door

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An Open Letter to My Dad on His 71st Birthday


This year has been a wild ride. It’s crazy that we’re almost halfway through it and we’ve been staring at our four same walls with a few in between—considering removing some, but that’s a conversation for another day—for months (MONTHS!) now. I’m glad we have all these May birthdays to celebrate, starting with yours. I’m sure you like it that way, too.

As you know, I’ve missed you more these last few months while we’ve lived on top of each other in isolation. It’s hard to think about all the things you’d be teaching my small humans, and how easy it would be for you to swoop in and make things a whole lot easier. But the life we have is still good, even if it has a you-sized hole in it.

I’ve also been trying to make my life even more local. I bike my booty around town and am actively looking for a “summer car” (aka old SUV that isn’t a total beater) that’ll be fun to drive on my short heres to theres, and to take on longer adventures in the mountains. I like this life of slower transport and wind in my bun. It feels like the way things used to be when my head was filled with fewer cares. Maybe that’s why I’m working so hard to make it happen. Regardless, it’s a whole lot of fun.

ODP is handsome and charming and brilliant. The moon goddesses tell me you are with him a lot. I knew you would be, but thank you for that anyway. B is a spicy little nugget who is always up to something. I love that about her and also can’t look away for even a second without saving her life. She’d make you chuckle. She’s just about ready to make my baby stick-straight-up ponytail dreams come true and I’ve been practicing when she lets me. I will always have a hard time believing they’re here and you’re not, especially because there’s a little too much me for just Raz and mom to handle. They’re doing their best with it.

And, hey, it’s Mother’s Day, too. Mom and I will have ice cream for you. We may even invite Raz and the babies.

I love and miss you so. One request: When I ask you for signs, can you speed them up, please? You know I don’t do patience well. And, while I’m asking for things, send me that summer car. It’s fine if it happens after we’re done celebrating you ;)

Until next year,
